MonsoonSIM is a unique, experiential learning, pedagogical platform for business studies.
Concepts covered by MonsoonSIM include:
- Business and economy fundamentals
- Business operational management
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM)
There are altogether close to three hundred (300) business concepts. These are important and fundamental concepts applicable to any trading, distribution, manufacturing, and service business. To allow learners to discover these concepts through experiential learning, the concepts are carefully wrapped into twelve (12) business departments of a typical business.
The twelve departments are:
The key uniqueness of MonsoonSIM is that it is, probably, the first true cloud-based Experiential Learning system in the world that covers such broad spectrum of business concepts.
MonsoonSIM is extremely flexible. One MonsoonSIM workshop can be anywhere between 3 (three) hours to 3 months long.