Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase.
In MonsoonSIM, the Service Management is about handling complaints and providing value-added, billable services to customers. Learners are encouraged to start with the basic module, called the Baseline model, and slowly progress to more advanced functionalities.
Here are what you will learn in the MonsoonSIM Service Management (Baseline):
- Concept of RFQ (Request for Quotation)
- Concept of bidding associated with RFQ
- Concept of man-power scheduling
- Concept of recruitment
- Concept of competency matching
Here are some of what you will learn in the MonsoonSIM Service Management (Advanced):
- Concept of complaints
- from clients
- from vendors
- from co-workers
- Concept of the effects of poor relationships
- with clients
- with vendors
- with co-workers
- Concept of personality assessment
- Concept of on-the-job training
- Concept of terms of payments
Impact on employee competencies on customer satisfactions