Education institutions have used MonsoonSIM in the following:
- embedded in the curriculum
- in Accounting studies
- in Economy studies
- in Management studies
- in Information and Technology studies
- in Business simulation studies
- in Industrial Engineering studies
- in Logistics studies
- in ERP studies
- in Marketing studies
- in Entrepreneurship studies
- in postgraduate research
- in labs
- in workshops
- in in-take recruitment
- in departmental competition
- in a campus-wide competition
- in a national competition
- in regional competition
Corporates have used MonsoonSIM in the followings:
- in the management training program
- in overall employee empowerment
- in employee assessment
- in team-building events
- in annual corporate events
- in pre-ERP implementation workshop
- in post-ERP implementation workshop
- as change management workshop
| Middle School | High School | Higher Learning | Corporation |
As Games & Competition & Labs | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
As Business Concept Exposures | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
As ERP Fundamental Studies |
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
As Advanced ERP Concept Studies |
| Yes | Yes |
As formal Curriculum or Embedded in a Curriculum |
| Yes |
As Semester Long Project & Research |
| Yes |
As Micro Learning & Teaching Platform |
| Yes | Yes |
As Change Management Program |
| Yes |
As Pre and Post ERP Implementation Workshop |
| Yes |
As Employee Overall ERP understanding Trainings |
| Yes |
Why We’re different and better
- What is the difference between MonSoonSIM and other business games?
There are numerous business games in the market. Some are in stock trading, some in inventory management, team building, marketing, and management, etc. MonsoonSIM is 100% focus in ERP (Business Process Integration). MonsoonSIM is NOT to give you the details of a specific ERP concept. For example, MonsoonSIM does not give you the detail of how to run a Just In Time Manufacturing, MonsoonSIM will give you the general concept of how production system is all about in the context of the entire enterprise operation system.
- Is there any pre-requisite knowledge needed to play MonSoonSim?
No. MonsoonSIM is designed for anyone from primary school to university students to all level of corporate executive. The difficulty of the game is easily configurable.
- How configurable is MonSoonSIM?
MonsoonSIM is highly configurable. The locations of the retail stores, warehouse, cash, bank facility, cost, machine capacity, storage capacity, suppliers, customers, product bill of materials (BOM), market size are all configurable. Furthermore, what departments to run, game timings, which concepts to run/hide are also configurable
- Is MonSoonSIM based on any ERP product?
No. MonsoonSIM does not based or rely on any ERP engine. Furthermore, MonsoonSIM is NOT product training, it is a conceptual training.
- Which Universities have adopted MonSoonSIM in their teaching curriculum?
MonsoonSIM has been used in many universities throughout South East Asia having attended by thousands of students and corporate staff. Universities include Deakin Business School (Australia), Swiss German University, SIM University of Singapore, University Kristen Maranatha, University Islam Indonesia, University of Taruma Negara, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Lithan Academy, Bangkok University, Rangsit University, Mahidol University, Multi-Media Nusantara University, University of Muhammadiyah Jogyakarta